Tag Archives: napolean hill

30 Day Mental Cleanse–Chapter 7 Organized Planning

This chapter is very long so we discussed it for two weeks.  It’s by far one of the most important ones, too.  Planning is essential.  The saying, fail to plan, plan to fail is soooo true.
The following lesson is by Lynda from Sacramento, California
« on: November 02, 2011, 01:04:01 AM »


In this chapter Napoleon Hill tells us that desire and imagination are nothing without sound, concrete plans to put them into action.  In short, we must do everything we can to ensure success.  We have God given gifts and then we have areas that we need to develop.  Only through our own personal growth can we be of any use to anyone else.

Hill tells us that, “No man is ever whipped, until he QUITS – in his own mind.  This line could go on to say that man must also begin or perhaps that would be construed as quitting from the get go.  Inferred here is that one must have an awareness of things within that need developing.  So many of us go through life without ever utilizing any sort of check list to determine why we have failed…it’s much easier to blame. Mr. Hill’s check list to determine why we may have failed, and believe you me it is a tough one to get through if one is doing an honest inventory, could take a life time of development to ensure success. Perhaps the most important step here is the awareness of the need to keep developing and the determination to not stop until we get there. How many times does Hill remind us that nothing will come without effort?  The ONE dependable method of accumulating and legally holding riches is by RENDERING USEFUL SERVICE.

I have come to realize that when I serve others my focus is on them and not on me.  Focusing on others and what I can do for them helps me develop myself.  The by-product of this process builds my leadership ability and enhances my skills.  This is what Jim Rohn means when he says, “what you become is far more important than what you get”.  So far, my plan for my success has involved only me. Now I see it’s time to soundly and concretely expand my plan so that it is about serving the members of my team because their success will expand my success.   I’m almost in tears here as I realize how Michael and others on the team patiently come along side us week after week and walk us through each passage way (which must be exhausting for them since we are all on different paths!) because their only desire is to serve us and help us to succeed.  It inspires me and makes me feel unworthy all at the same time and all I can say is…thank you.

Lynda M.