Tag Archives: mentoring

30 Day Mental Cleanse–Chapter 7

This chapter is amazing.  Failure is our own decision and we must get up and replan.


Chapter 7 – Organized Planning

OPPORTUNITY has spread its wares before you. Step up to the front, select what you want, create your plan, put the plan into action, and follow
through with PERSISTENCE. “Capitalistic” America will do the rest. You can depend upon this much— CAPITALISTIC AMERICA INSURES EVERY PERSON THE OPPORTUNITY TO RENDER USEFUL SERVICE, AND TO COLLECT RICHES IN PROPORTION TO THE VALUE OF THE SERVICE. The “System” denies no one this right, but it does not, and cannot promise SOMETHING FOR NOTHING, because the system, itself, is irrevocably controlled by the LAW OF ECONOMICS which neither recognizes nor tolerates for long, GETTING WITHOUT GIVING.

Wow what a chapter – Napoleon Hill leaves us without a single excuse for
failure! This chapter give us all the tools we need for success.

Once we have used our imaginations and decided what we want – then we are
ready to follow the principles, instructions and guidance that this chapter

We cannot expect to receive any more than we are truly worth to the
marketplace. We must get rid of all entitlement attitudes. We must go much
further and offer far more in value than we get paid for.

This step towards riches that Hill is talking about requires anyone who is
serious about applying the principles of this book to do a great deal of
honest soul searching, continued self analysis and adoption of great
leadership qualities. Hill describes the practical process we need to take
to position ourselves in life in the right vocation and it requires a lot
of honest effort on the individual.

After much soul searching and digging I have found that unless I believe I
can do something 100% I do not do it with all my heart. I recoil from the
pain of fear of failure. This chapter is probably the hardest advice to
follow that Napolean Hill gives, self examination. I believe this step
requires you to dig really deep and this takes time. In fact each year
Napoleon Hill recommends we do this self examination and honestly evaluate

Hill talks about the 30 reasons for failure and these are the ones I find
myself needing to do some work on. Some of them are still a mystery to me
as to why that is so.

First, is number 8, Procrastination, there are some things I need to do in
my business that I’m not doing through fear of rejection. To overcome this
I must increase my skills so I can have the confidence I need to go out and
talk to people locally and help them change their lives. Number 13, Lack of
a well defined power of decision ties in with this also. My first step is
to acquire the skills I need then make a definite plan of action.

Number 14, fear of rejection.

Number 16 Over caution this is my most recent affliction. I must remember
the past is past and have the confidence that I will not repeat my past

These are the ones that stick out for me the most, there are elements of
improvement needed in all areas. The thing that strikes me the most is I
must remain coach-able and open to hear positive constructive suggestions
from my mentors so that I can continue to grow and develop and strengthen
in all these areas.

My self analysis reveals that I have not attained the goals I had planned
for in a timely manner. My chief failing has been procrastination and fear
of rejection. I do need to work on my belief more so that I can take the
courage and take action on the parts of my business I know I need to. I’ve
never had trouble acting when I have the belief that I can do it.

I know the more I work and apply the teachings in this chapter the more I
will grow in the areas of success in my life and my business. I’m grateful
to belong to this mastermind group so we can all encourage one another and
embolden one another to these worthy goals.

forever grateful
Graham N.

30 Day Mental Cleanse–Chapter 7 Organized Planning

This chapter is very long so we discussed it for two weeks.  It’s by far one of the most important ones, too.  Planning is essential.  The saying, fail to plan, plan to fail is soooo true.
The following lesson is by Lynda from Sacramento, California
« on: November 02, 2011, 01:04:01 AM »


In this chapter Napoleon Hill tells us that desire and imagination are nothing without sound, concrete plans to put them into action.  In short, we must do everything we can to ensure success.  We have God given gifts and then we have areas that we need to develop.  Only through our own personal growth can we be of any use to anyone else.

Hill tells us that, “No man is ever whipped, until he QUITS – in his own mind.  This line could go on to say that man must also begin or perhaps that would be construed as quitting from the get go.  Inferred here is that one must have an awareness of things within that need developing.  So many of us go through life without ever utilizing any sort of check list to determine why we have failed…it’s much easier to blame. Mr. Hill’s check list to determine why we may have failed, and believe you me it is a tough one to get through if one is doing an honest inventory, could take a life time of development to ensure success. Perhaps the most important step here is the awareness of the need to keep developing and the determination to not stop until we get there. How many times does Hill remind us that nothing will come without effort?  The ONE dependable method of accumulating and legally holding riches is by RENDERING USEFUL SERVICE.

I have come to realize that when I serve others my focus is on them and not on me.  Focusing on others and what I can do for them helps me develop myself.  The by-product of this process builds my leadership ability and enhances my skills.  This is what Jim Rohn means when he says, “what you become is far more important than what you get”.  So far, my plan for my success has involved only me. Now I see it’s time to soundly and concretely expand my plan so that it is about serving the members of my team because their success will expand my success.   I’m almost in tears here as I realize how Michael and others on the team patiently come along side us week after week and walk us through each passage way (which must be exhausting for them since we are all on different paths!) because their only desire is to serve us and help us to succeed.  It inspires me and makes me feel unworthy all at the same time and all I can say is…thank you.

Lynda M.

Mental Cleanse

I’ve been on a mental cleanse for the last week and half. I am trying to get rid of all the unnecssary chatter that goes on by saying my positive affirmations, my why, and by not listening to the news.  Easier said that done but nothing’s really worthwhile unless it’s challenging.  Right?

We are reading Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill.  It’s been really good.  As a group, we go on the conference call every Wednesday at noon through Mentoring for Free.  I suggest you get rid of all the chattering, to


Be more than you thought that you could be!